.. _dc_network: .. _networks: Networks ######## A virtual Network is essentially an IPv4 subnet used for physical and logical segmentation of network traffic between virtual servers. .. image:: img/networks.png =============================== ================ :ref:`Access Permissions ` ------------------------------- ---------------- *SuperAdmin* read-write *DCAdmin* read-only *NetworkAdmin* read-write (DC-bound networks only, limited by :ref:`DC network settings `) =============================== ================ .. note:: In the upper right corner is a button labeled :guilabel:`Show All`, which can be used to display all networks, including networks that are not associated with the current working virtual data center. .. seealso:: More information about virtual networks and their connection to the physical network can be found in a :ref:`separate chapter about networking `. Network Parameters ================== * **Name** - Unique network identifier (usually used in the :ref:`API `). * **Alias** - User-defined name of a network (usually displayed in the :ref:`GUI `). * **Access** - Network visibility. One of: * *Public* - Network is usable by all users in this virtual data center. * *Private* - Network is usable by *SuperAdmins* and owners of this network. * *Deleted* - Network is hidden and unusable for new servers, but can be still used by some already defined servers. * **Owner** - Network owner. * **DC-bound?** - Whether a network is bound to a specific virtual data center. * **Subnet** - IPv4 network prefix and subnet mask. * **Gateway** - IPv4 gateway. * **VLAN** - 802.1Q virtual LAN ID (0 = none). * **NIC Tag** - :ref:`NIC tag ` configured on a compute node. * **VXLAN** - VXLAN ID required for overlay NIC tags (1 - 16777215). * **MTU** - MTU for the network vNIC (576 - 9000) * **Free IPs** - The current amount of usable free IP addresses (read-only). * **Description** Managing a Network ================== A network can be created, updated and deleted by a *SuperAdmin* or by a *NetworkAdmin* (DC-bound network only). A network used by at least one virtual machine cannot be deleted. However, its *Access* attribute can be changed to *Deleted*, thus the network will be hidden and unusable for new virtual servers. .. image:: img/add_network.png .. note:: A virtual network is connected to the physical network interfaces on compute nodes via NIC tags. :ref:`NIC tags must be configured on every compute node in advance `. Advanced Network Settings ------------------------- .. image:: img/add_network_details.png * **Resolvers** - Comma-separated list of IPv4 addresses that can be used as DNS resolvers by virtual servers using this network. * **PTR domain** - Existing in-addr.arpa domain name used for creating PTR associations with virtual servers. * **DHCP passthrough** - When true, IP addresses for this network are managed by an external DHCP service. .. warning:: It is still possible to add IP addresses via *Danube Cloud* to this network. However, IP address conflicts may occur while doing so. Network Details --------------- .. image:: img/network_more_details.png Attaching a Network =================== Used for associating an existing network with a virtual data center. Can be performed only by a *SuperAdmin*. .. note:: A virtual network can be only used when attached to a virtual data center. Detaching a Network =================== In order to remove an association of a network with a virtual data center, the network must not be used by any virtual machine within the virtual data center. Can be performed only by a *SuperAdmin*. .. _network_ips: Network IP Addresses ==================== .. image:: img/ip_list.png IP Address Parameters ===================== * **IP address** * **Usage** - Usage type. One of: * *Server* - IP address can be assigned to a virtual server, * *Other* - IP address is reserved for other purposes in this network (e.g. HW router, IP printer, etc.). * **Server** - Virtual server that is using this IP address (read-only). * **Hostname** - Hostname of a virtual server or compute node that is using this IP address (read-only). * **MAC address** - MAC address of virtual server's NIC that is using this IP address (read-only). * **Note** Managing IP addresses ===================== Before a network can be used by virtual machines, IP addresses have to be added to the network. IP addresses can be added, updated or deleted by a *SuperAdmin* or by a *NetworkAdmin*. .. image:: img/add_ip.png