.. _node_backup: Virtual Server Backups on Compute Node ###################################### List of virtual server backups stored on the compute node. .. image:: img/node_backups.png =============================== ================ :ref:`Access Permissions ` ------------------------------- ---------------- *SuperAdmin* read-write =============================== ================ .. note:: In order to use the compute node for backup purposes, the backup option needs to be enabled in the :ref:`compute node capabilities settings `. Backup Parameters ================= * **Name** - Backup name (read-only). * **Hostname** - Virtual server hostname as it was at the time of creation of the backup (used in the :ref:`API `) and the name of virtual data center the backup is associated with (read-only). * **Disk ID** - Virtual server disk ID (read-only). * **Type** - Backup type (read-only). One of: * *Dataset* * *File* * **Created** - The date and time when the backup was created (read-only). * **Status** - Backup state (read-only). One of: * *ok* * *pending* * *restore* * *lost* * **Duration** - The amount of time spent to create the backup (read-only). * **Size** - The size of the backup (read-only). * **Note** Backup Filters ============== .. image:: img/node_backups_filter.png * **Datacenter** - Name of the virtual data center the backup is associated with. * **Server** - Virtual server hostname for which the backup was created. * **Type** - Backup type. One of: * *Dataset* * *File* * **Status** - Backup state. One of: * *ok* * *pending* * *restore* * *lost* * **Larger than (MB)** - Display backups larger than a specific size. * **Smaller than (MB)** - Display backups smaller than a specific size> * **Created since** - Display backups created after a specific date. * **Created until** - Display backups created before a specific date. .. note:: It is possible to display backups of non-existing virtual servers by choosing the *(no server)* option in the **Server** filter. Restoring and Deleting Backups ============================== It is possible to perform the delete or restore operations only when backups for a particular virtual server are displayed. Please use the backup filters to display backups for a specific server. .. image:: img/vm_restore.png * **Delete backup** - Remove data of the backup. .. note:: Removal of a backup deletes only the backup data. .. note:: Mass deletion is only possible for backups of a specific virtual server having the same disk ID. * **Restore backup** - Restore server disk data from the backup to the existing virtual server disk or a disk of an another virtual server. .. warning:: A backup restore results in all data loss on the target virtual server and disk, including all virtual server's snapshots.